09 March 2015

All Phenomena are just Mental States:

All Phenomena are just Mental States:

Question: What is a phenomenon?
Answer: A phenomenon is an experienced state manifesting as an appearance, a mentally
observed event, a conscious occasion! Whether experienced as a mental object: Examples:
An experienced thought, idea, feeling, mood, or experienced as a physical object: Examples:
An experienced sight, sound, smell, taste or touch; this experience is just a mental ‘state’,
which is what in early Buddhism is called a ‘Dhammā’ . This event is just a passing moment
of consciousness in time! As such: Everything worldly is a mental state! Nothing exists as
an independent of mind 'physical' object 'out there', until it is observed as a mind experience…
Before and after this direct observation, this ‘thing’, remains just an ‘idea’ or a mere potential

possibility or quantum-mechanical likelihood for observation! Not quite as 'real' anymore…

They once asked the Buddha:
What is the Cause of a Phenomenon?

He replied: 
Attention (manasikāra) is the cause of any phenomenon!
Why so? When attention is present, the phenomenon appears...
When attention is absent, the phenomenon disappears!
and he further later added:
This World  both Begins  and Ends  within this 2 fathom frame of bones...  SN I 62
The ALL is thereby actually just a sensed and experienced representation...  SN IV 15

Insisting on Real Direct Experience:
This ultra-realistic insistence on direct experience is also called Radical Empiricism,
a pragmatic conception of reality, which philosophically was coined by William James.



cid:image005.jpg@01D059CC.C2D82510 The Phenomenon ‘Match’  Occurring only momentarily by
mentally experienced observation! Not ‘out there’ as an observer-independent ‘substance’,
but 'in here' in our observer-mind, as just yet another experiencable passing mental state

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