09 March 2015

The Ten Contemplations are Daily Routine!

The Ten Contemplations are Daily Routine

The Blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus and friends: There is one contemplation which when often
practiced and developed leads to the complete turning away from
the world, to detachment, to stilling, to ceasing, to Peace, to final
penetrating knowledge, to Enlightenment, and thus to Nibbāna...
Any Noble Disciple who by progress has understood the Dhamma
dwells frequently in this state. What is that one contemplation?
It is reflecting over the qualities of the Noble Sangha  like this:
"Perfectly training is this Noble Sangha community of the Buddha's
Noble Disciples. Training the right way, the true way, the good way,
the direct way! Therefore do these eight kinds of individuals, these
four Noble pairs, deserve both gifts, self-sacrifice, offerings, much
hospitality and reverential salutation with joined palms, since this
Noble Sangha community of the Buddha's Noble disciples, is indeed
an unsurpassable and forever unsurpassed field of merit, in this world,
for this world, to honour, support, uphold, respect and protect..."
Source: Anguttara Nikāya 1:16.3 + 6:10

Higher Education just of Another Kind - details inside...                         More on the Three Jewels (Ti-Ratana) and Nobility (Ariya): 

Noble is the Ariya-Sangha!

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