The way you cross your arms reveals a lot about your personality
The way you fold your arms reveals a lot about who you are as a person, and the impact it has on your relationship

Scientists believe that the part of our brain that dominates our thought processes can be determined by studying body language, and there have been many studies seeking to establish that relationship. It is believed that the way you cross your arms can also reveal what your personality is like and that people can be divided into one of three categories.
Look at the image below and see which type you are.

1. Your Right Hand Out
If you like to fold your arms with your right hand resting on top of your left arm, then you're an intuitive person who is deeply in tune with your feelings and are keenly aware of the subtle shifts in mood in your environment. You can guess what people are thinking or feeling before they even open up to you.

You're an extremely empathetic lover, and your partners benefit from you always being in tune with their emotions and ensuring that their emotional needs are met. You exude a sense of warmth and are very affectionate, which is what draws people to you.
2. Your Left Hand Out
If you like to fold your arms with your left hand resting on top of your right arm, then you're a pragmatic person who likes to look at things logically, not letting your feelings color your judgment. You like to carefully analyze problems before you make a decision.

You're known among your friends for your intelligence and quick wit, and you can make a room burst into laughter with your sarcastic one-liners. You're incredibly sharp and can see through lies instantly, making it hard for people to deceive you or cheat you.

Your suave approach to courting makes people fall head-over-heels in love with you because of your smooth pick-up lines and cool personality make you quite the catch. Your partners connect with you on an intellectual level, and you enjoy the deep conversations you can have with them.
3. Both Hands Out
If you like to fold your arms with both hands resting on opposite arms, then you're self-confident and self-assured and have a strong sense of direction in your life. You are sure of yourself and your decisions, and you have an aura of authority that inspires people to turn to you for guidance.

You're a natural leader and are able to take into consideration people's feelings and differing opinions and arrive at solutions that benefit everyone. You're also incredibly likable because of your frank, honest demeanor, and you speak the truth with kindness, making people respect you.

In relationships, you take the initiative, often doing thoughtful gestures for your partners like cooking them their favorite meal or buying them their favorite flowers. You work hard to ensure that you stay connected and often have long-lasting and fulfilling relationships.
There is a fourth type that isn't as common as these three, however, and that involves people who hide their hands when they fold their arms. They tend to be introverted and prefer quieter places to parties. They thrive in small groups and are often deeply concerned about the welfare of others, going to great lengths to take care of those in need.

You may sometimes switch styles of folding your arms depending on your mood or the situation, and you may adopt different postures that reflect a blend of personality types. Find out how your friends and family members cross their arms and get to know them a little better.
Disclaimer : This article is for your entertainment / infotainment purposes.
The lines on your palm reveal how your personality impacts your love life
The lines on your palm reveal who you are and what kind of partner you are likely to be. Go ahead and see what yours have to say.

Palm reading is the art of reading palm lines in order to predict a person's personality, behavior, and future. Put your palms together where they face each other and your fingers and wrist of both hands are aligned together. Then open them by keeping the ends still together. How do the lines appear?

1. The right and left palm lines are equally aligned

You tend to strive for balance in your life. You have an intrinsic motivation to do things right and comfort people when times are dark and bleak.
If such is the alignment on your palms, you are likely to be very gentle in your relationships. Your sensitivity will likely build a strong foundation for your romance and your partner will love it.
Due to this tendency, you often wait for your partner to make the first move. If they are the right one, then your relationship will be magical for a long time.
2. The line on your right palm is higher than that of the left palm

Such an alignment also indicates that you are a mature person. You like to have emotional stability and meaning in your life. Due to this, your social engagements are of high quality.
If you have this alignment, then you are likely to fall for someone who is older than you, since you are emotionally evolved. Moreover, you'll most likely have a long-term and stable partner. You are someone who is unconventional in their relationships.
You tend to not waste your feelings on someone who you think lacks age and experience. At the same time, you like to challenge yourself with new experiences. You are not easily impressed by pretentious folks, but see the person in their true light.
3. The line on your left palm is higher than that of the right palm

Many people may mistake you as someone who lacks a level head, but in reality, you are somebody who is very passionate. This also drives you to endure more hardships when it comes to romance, but you are likely to be a winner at the end of it all.
Your looks may mean more to other people, but your focus lies on being true to your inner self. Due to this, your passion is honest and your pursuits mean a lot more to you. When in a relationship, you'd support your partner's pursuits while acing yours simultaneously.
This type of an alignment may mean that you won't hesitate to take risks for your love. You will gladly take on challenges and turn them into opportunities while following your love interest.
Disclaimer : This article is for your entertainment / infotainment purposes.
Your middle finger reveals how you react to people who mess with you
There's a lot your middle finger can say about the way you confront people who try to bully you or take advantage of you.

Genes play a major role in determining the kind of person you turn out to be, and the same genes that determine your appearance often also influence your personality. It helps to take a deeper look at your physical features to find out more about your personality. And surprisingly, your middle finger can say a lot about how you respond to people who wrong you.

The lines in the center of your middle finger and index finger often align in different ways for different people. Depending on how much higher the central line on your middle finger is than that of the central line of your index finger, you can have one of three personality types:

Type a: At the same level

You're the cool, silent type who lets your actions speak louder than your words. You don't have to say a lot or put on a show for people to take notice of you or respect you. When you walk into a room, you immediately grab the attention because of your suave charisma.
You hate loudmouths and people who like to brag about their achievements because you are driven by a strong, inner sense of responsibility and not by the need for adulation or recognition. Your idea of success is someone who makes a meaningful contribution to the world.
You're not a vengeful person, either. When people wrong you, you take it in stride and are quick to forgive them. You believe that what goes around comes around, so you don't waste your time and energy being angry at others, instead, you wait for karma to do its work.
Type b: Slightly higher

You're the most cheerful and happy person around, kind to everyone who treats you well. However, once someone tries to mess with you, boy are they in big trouble. You have zero tolerance for bulls**t and will do anything to ensure that justice is served.
Perhaps your biggest resource is that you are able to play your enemies' game and beat them at it. You match wit for wit, blow for blow, and find ways to beat them on their own turf, humiliating them and ensuring that they never mess with you again.
You're the champion of the weak and a warrior of justice for those who cannot fight for themselves, and your boldness and courage are your strongest weapons, taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. However, people often underestimate you because of how nice you are as a person, giving you the element of surprise to lead with.
Type c: Much higher

You're the smart, witty type, and you're renowned for your sharp tongue and dry sense of humor. Your laidback personality adds to your appeal, and people often hang out with you because of all the entertaining things that come out of your mouth.
However, they need to be careful to stay on your good side because you do not hesitate to address people who try to act smart with you or take advantage of you. You manage to put them in their place with your sharp wit, and you do it with such elegance that it often takes them a while to realize that they've been burned.
Your sarcasm is not the only thing that you're known for. You hate mediocrity or complacency in any form and push yourself to be excellent. You hate mediocrity in others, too, and do not hesitate to put someone in their place if you see them slacking off or giving less than their best.
These are just some of the ways in which people deal with others who try to mess with them, and we're sure you can think of a lot of other badass ways of handling bullies and people who try to take advantage of your kindness, making sure they get what they deserve.
Disclaimer : This article is for your entertainment / infotainment purposes.
Your ring finger reveals what kind of partner you are in your relationships
The ring finger of a woman hides the secrets to her personality, revealing her strengths and attitude towards her spouse.

Just like our palms and the lines on our hands, our fingers reveal much about our personality. Every finger represents a certain aspect of life. The ring finger, which connects to the heart line, says much about your love life and relationships.

Take a look at the length of your left-hand ring finger and see if the first line falls above, below, or on the same level as the tip of your little finger.
The ring finger also reveals how a woman acts and carries herself around her partner and loved ones.
The Type A Partner
In this image, the represented line of the ring finger falls above the little finger where the woman is considerate of her views as well as her partner's, sharing a sense of understanding and love for each other. This exhibits equal love and partnership with her spouse.

You are perfectly in tune with your partner's interests and values, making them as your own. You don't give away what's important to you, but at the same time, you are in sync with your partner's needs. You come to a consensus with minimal debate.
Being an understanding partner, most of your decisions that you value eventually come to line up with your husband's needs making the journey a smooth ride. Flexibility is the key rule that you follow and carry through.
The Type B Partner
In this picture, it's observed that the represented line falls below the little finger indicating a person who puts their loved one's priority before their own. You value your interests and independence, but your heart always looks out for your loved ones and puts them first.

Being the understanding and loving partner you are, you don't struggle with small arguments. You tend to see the bigger picture.
You are kind and respectful towards your partner's decisions, which doesn't necessarily make you undermine your values, rather your values are in line with your partner's.
The Type C Partner
This picture shows that the represented line in the ring finger falls above the little finger indicating someone who prioritizes one's own values and interests above others'. You respect people and their decisions, but you don't give up on your own needs.

You're an independent decision maker and believe you and your partner should follow individual paths. Only then can you meet as two complete beings and share a love that is nourishing and not draining.
Disclaimer : The views expressed in this article belong to the writer and are not necessarily shared by lessonslearnedinlifeinc.
This is what the shape of your nose reveals about your personality
We reveal what personality traits are associated with people with different nose shapes.

How many times have you looked at a face and assumed certain things about a person? Chances are that you have done it a number of times. It does not mean that you are judging the person, it's just that we are trained to draw certain inferences, unconsciously, by looking at faces and observing them. Your physical attributes play an important role in the development of your personality and some of your features reveal a lot about the kind of person you are. Here, we talk about what the shape of your nose says about you.

#1 The Nubian Nose

While the bridge of the nose is straight, the lower end of the nose points downwards. Like a branch laden with fruits, it draws your eyes towards the lips. People with this nose are known to be quite curious and expressive. They incline towards cautious optimism and are extremely interested in learning new things and having new experiences. Their humility is what sets them apart from the rest and the way they communicate their thoughts is nothing short of impressive.
#2 The Greek Nose

The ancient Greek sculptures gave this nose its name. Narrow in length, this nose is characteristically straight and pointed. People with this nose are known to be prudent and extremely practical. Loyalty is another feature that defines the people with this nose but the one quality that is true to them is their sense of secrecy. They would rather die than let something, which isn't supposed to, spill out of their mouth, making them one of the few people one could trust with secrets. Further, they would never open themselves to those who haven't earned their trust.
#3 The Hook Nose

Associated to a bird's beak, the nose is bent downwards from the base of the nose bone to the tip. People with this nose are known to be opinionated, thoughtful and deep. They defend their views passionately and are unafraid of taking risks. But the quality that truly sets them apart is their self-sacrificing nature. Their thought and wisdom place them in a unique position where they are diplomatic, creative and yet self-effacing.
#4 The Arched Nose

Curved from the nasal bone like the hooknose, it is different because it is noticeably pointed at the tip. People with this nose make extremely good managers. They are driven, efficient, organized but most of all, capable of leading through example. They are closely connected to their professions but care deeply about those they value in life. The one thing they detest is disloyalty and can rein hell if betrayed.
#5 The Button Nose

Short and dainty, it is one of the most common types of a nose. But there's nothing common about the people with this nose. Determined, strong-willed and spontaneous, they are usually involved in a lot of various activities. They are efficient and use their time with utmost planning and care. Their decisions are usually based on their gut feeling but they grow to trust which urge to pursue and which to leave. The result being; they often get what they want.
#6 The Straight Nose

Wide nostrils with a round tip, this nose is straight and flatter than the rest. People with this nose are known to be in control of their emotions. They are good at reading emotions as well, making them good empaths. They are extremely patient and calm but they don't appreciate unsolicited provocations. The only time they lose their temper is when they feel the safety of their loved ones threatened and in that case, they are known to personify the wrath of hell.
#7 The Concave Nose

A definitive small arch on the nose bone, it looks petite and sharp with the tip pointing slightly outwards. People with this nose are on the sensitive side of life. They feel emotions deeply and feel hurt quite easily but they never reveal it. They are the kind of people who would bear a burden with a smile and yet be the first to help if asked. Altruism is the hallmark of people with this nose.
#8 The Crooked Nose

Contrary to what the name suggests, people with crooked nose are known to be one of the most simple and straightforward of all. The bridge of the nose stands out while the tip is rounded. They are good listeners and observers and they are the kind of people who would rather understand than judge. They, hence, are great friends and partners as they usually think carefully and cautiously before forming an opinion.
What does your thumb shape say about you?
There's a very strong relationship between your personality and your physical traits, and it says a lot about who you are

It's nearly hard to imagine that our physical traits can affect our personality at such a deep level, and it can determine how you would unfold your personality in front of other people. There's no doubt about the fact that physical traits can affect how a person shapes his personality and how he interacts with his surroundings. And one of the physical traits that determine who you are, is the shape of your thumb.
In total there are 5 different kinds of thumb shapes, and each one holds a unique personality trait. Basically, a thumb consists of one joint which connects its upper and the lower segment, and it can be either flexible in nature or inflexible. So which one is yours, and what does it say about your personality?
1. Type A - Bigger upper half

If this is the shape of your thumb, then you are the kind of person who doesn't get satisfied with success very easily. There is always an evergrowing hunger for success brewing inside of you, and you always want to reach newer heights even when you're in a silent mode.
Even though your zeal for hunger is pretty evident in your personality and it can get pretty intense sometimes, yet still you're not the kind of person to be boastful about it. This perfect combination of a constant undying desire for success and humility makes you a gem of a person!
2. Type B - Bigger lower half

If this is your thumb shape, then you're someone who stays very true to his origins and you never forget where you actually came from, thus making you a very humble person. You're a very calm and content person, yet very considerate at the same time. Most importantly, you're immensely trustworthy as you're not very big on making promises but actually delivering on your words.
You value the little things in your life and don't really believe in fakery, which makes you a very gentle and a caring personality. You are not the one to throw around your ego like confetti, and you value the people who've made you who you are today. Thus you are someone who has a loyal friend circle and people value your presence in their life as you bring immense happiness to everyone.
3. Type C - Equal upper & lower halves

If your thumb fits in this category then you're the perfect disciple of the yin-yang theory of life. You strive to live in harmony and try your fullest to get people together to the middle ground. Balance is one of the core elements you live your life by, and nothing else other than finding the perfect equilibrium would suffice your desire.
You're naturally inclined towards finding a perfect balance in anything and everything you do, and you strongly believe that for each and every action there's an equal opposite reaction. Thus you go through your life believing that for every bad, there's a good; for every negative, there's a positive; and for every setback, there's a way ahead. It wouldn't be wrong to say that your primary aim is to attain physical, spiritual, and emotional harmony.
4. Type D - Flexible

If you have a flexible thumb, then you've been given the ultimate gift of adaptation. You're very flexible in nature and are able to change with the needs of the time, thus making you a natural born survivor. Moreover, you're the first one to sense a changing situation and change accordingly with it.
One of the most important traits of your personality is that you are extremely empathetic. People feel very comfortable in sharing their views with you as you are always open to seeing other's perspectives, and acknowledge what they have to say. It's this quality of adapting to the changing scenarios that makes you a perfect survivor.
5. Type E - Set thumbs

Inflexible thumbs signify that you're a headstrong personality and could be somewhat stubborn sometimes. Once you've put your heart to something then you'll achieve it by all means necessary, and being a straight-forward person works in your favor as most of the people tend to follow your ideology.
You are someone who lives by their words and promises, thus making it easier for people around you to trust you without a hitch. Your loyalty and your personality are one of the biggest reasons why a person can trust you with their own lives, making you a born leader. Thus, your stubborn nature acts as a boon as it's one of the reasons why all your ideas are well thought.
Disclaimer : This article is for your entertainment / infotainment purposes.
The shape of your toes reveals your personality
If you've ever noticed other people's toes, you'd have realized that they come in many shapes. Find out what that says about who you are.

Your toes are one of the strongest and most sensitive parts of your body. They balance you and lend you your agility, and their shape can reveal a lot about who you are as a person, even offering insight into your origins.

1. Your toes are in descending order of height
If all your toes seem to be in decreasing order of their height, with the big toe being the tallest one on your foot, then there is a strong indication that somewhere in your bloodline you have an Arabic or Egyptian ancestor.

You're an adventurous soul who loves to explore the world with nothing but the sky above your head and vast open spaces all around you calling out to you. You value your independence and freedom to express yourself the way you want, and your mind is unfettered by social conventions.
When you find the one you love, you embark on a journey together and are excited to discover everything that your relationship has to offer. You and your partner jump into new experiences as a couple and go on thrilling adventures by each other's side.
2. Your toes are on the same level
If your toes seem to more or less be aligned on the same level due to the unique shape of your foot, then you may have a Germanic ancestry, likely descending from tribes who once lived in western and central Europe.

Your nature, like your ancestors, is diligent and strong-willed with a grounded personality that lends you an aura of humility. You have a pragmatic approach to the world and are known among your family members and friends for being reliable, frank, and wise.
With your partner, you are an honest and trustworthy lover, always ensuring that their needs are met. You do not withhold your affection from your partner and rarely have conflicts with them because of your easy-going nature.
3. Your second toe is your longest toe
If you've got a second toe that seems to be competing with your big toe for its title, then you've got a unique physiological feature known as Morton's Toe, which is often associated with a Greek ancestry. Between 20 and 30 percent of all people are estimated to have this feature.

You're known for your creativity and your innovative way of looking for solutions to problems. You are not deceived by appearances and can judge people's true characters with some accuracy. People are attracted to your intelligence, and you lead them with grace and authority.
Your partner is first attracted to these qualities in you, and you always surprise your lover by revealing different facets of your personality to them. You're a sensual lover, knowing how to please and stimulate the one you love, and these skills come in handy in the bedroom.
4. Your first three toes are of equal lengths
If your toes seem to have a disparity in their lengths with your last two toes considerably shorter than the first three, which seem to be of equal lengths, then you may have descended from the Romans. This feature is known as Peasant's Toe, but it is associated with the nobility of ancient Italy who went on expeditions and conquered nations.

You tend to have an affinity for higher thought and more intellectual pursuits, being what people call "woke." Your aesthetic skills are highly refined, and you see the beauty in everything. You're also an idealist and tend to trust in people easily, being kind to those others choose to shun.
In a relationship, you're a romantic lover, and you believe that you and your partner should be compatible not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually, and you are in sync with each other's thoughts and emotions.
Disclaimer : This article is for your entertainment / infotainment purposes.
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